Thursday, October 20, 2005

Enter CTB

Chris the Felon didn't start out that way. He started out Chris the Bouncer. CTB is the bouncer at one of this city's all-time sketchiest bars. If you're 16 and need a beer (you know, to blow off all of that Math Quiz Stress) you go to CTB's bar. He'll let you in, no id required.

One Monday morning, I was regaled with the story of how Overshare met the stud that is CTB.

He was working the door at Skank Bar on Saturday night and she couldn't believe her luck because in her last drunken haze (also known as Thursday) she had misplaced her id. Imagine her surprise when this bouncer was willing to let her in, sans identification, for the small price of, you know, fondling her chest.

That's right my friends, CTB is the very definition of class and benevolence.

Overshare agrees, because, you know Skank Bar is so worth being molested. Never mind the fact that the people in front of her were probably Jimmy Football and Suzy Cheerleader from Public High School who flashed their ASB cards. Whatever.

So instead of going inside after the incident, Overshare stays outside with CTB, chatting it up. He keeps sending his partner into the bar to get her drinks. Turns out that CTB is 25, single, and a former school teacher who is taking a break while he decides if he wants to go to law school.


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