Monday, October 24, 2005


I admit it: I eat at my desk a lot. All through the day. I'm a snacker. Whatever, the blog's not about me.

Have you ever had someone have a foodgasm (food orgasm) over the food YOU were eating? I have. That's right: Overshare.

The first time I noticed the foodgasm was when my parents sent me a box of chocolates for a random holiday. I had just opened the box and selected my first chocolate when she walked by... she stopped immediately outside my door, then came in.

Anonymous Coworker, chocolate in hand: Hi, Overshare.
Overshare: Mmmmm. Mmmmm. MMMMMMM.
Anonymous: Uh.....
Overshare: MMMMMMMM!
Anonmyous, wondering if she should take the box and run away: Uh....
Overshare: Those...look (Long meaningful stare.)

Now, I was GOING to share the chocolates. Really. It was a huge box and I would have made myself ill eating all of them. I was going to share. But now? NOW? When she had virtual sex with them in my office? If just seeing ME eat one made her do that, I sure as hell wasn't going to offer one to her in my office for her to do God-knows-what over. What do you do?

In a rare moment of quick-thinking, I said something like: "Well, it's not fair to give you first dibs when no one else knows they're here, so let's go gather everyone." I booked it the hell out of my office, box in tow to the common area.

Once everyone had one... Overshare starts in:
Overshare: Oh. My. God. MMMMMM. OH! Mmmmmm.
Witty Comeback: Don't get out much, do ya?


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