Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Perhaps She Should See An Analrapist...

Any Arrested Development fans in the house?

Lord, I hope so.

A while ago, our company reorganized our offices and eventually it was decided that my desk would be very close to the desk of Oh My God I Loved It. So close that I'm not frequently subjected to overhearing her conversations. Now, while I had become very, very well-versed in her
opinion of certain religions... I had no idea that she was actually Tobias Funke, in disguise. She has a habit of getting certain words of popular sayings completely wrong.

Most of Oh My God I Loved It's unfortunate word choices happen when she's speaking to her boss, which let me tell you, makes not laughing out loud that much harder. A small sampling of the hilarity, with her intended meaning in brackets:

OMGILI: Boss, sometimes I just can't wrap my hands around you! [I can't wrap my mind around your idea.]

OMGILI, fanning herself in embarrassment: Boss, you're making me so hot! [You're making me blush.]

OMGILI: It's one of those International Bachelorette programs. [I'm not entirely sure, but here's hoping she meant "International Baccalaureate."]

OMGILI, to coworker: Well, Boss Man owes you a big fat one, doesn't he? [Your boss owes you a favor for doing that project.]

I swear though, if she starts showing up in cut-off jean shorts, I'm so out of here.



At 11:50 AM, April 30, 2008, Blogger AlyssaSophia said...

Here is one AD fan who is still in mourning. That analrapist episodes is one of my favorites! That & the whole Bob Loblaw thing.

Anyhow, just wondering if you double-posted...here and at "overheard in the office"???

Glad to see you back!

At 12:59 PM, April 30, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure it's by accident?

Sexual Harassment Panda on the way

At 3:24 PM, May 05, 2008, Blogger 42yrold said...

YOU'RE BACK!!!!Rocking!

At 3:49 PM, May 05, 2008, Blogger Concerned Citizen said...

No joke....over the weekend....my mom at the dinner table (while rubbing my shoulders) "I swear Haikuer, I didnt think anyone could get as hard as your father".....



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