Monday, December 12, 2005


The next couple of posts are going to be more sad than funny-- just a forewarning. But just so you don't get too bummed out, enjoy what is one of my most favorite Toolshed/Overshare moments:

Toolshed: I really like your shoes.
Overshare: Thanks! I have really large feet for a woman. They'd probably fit you.
Toolshed: Can I try them on?
Overshare: Sure!
Sounds of laces being untied, shoes being slipped off.
Overshare: Here you go.
Sounds of laces being tied....
Toolshed: I like them! Where did you get them?
Overshare: Nordstrom's I think.
Toolshed: Are you sure? Because I'm sort of a shoe whore and I think I would have noticed these there. I always shoe shop there.
Overshare: Better a shoe whore than a true whore.
Overshare: Wanna wear them around today?
Toolshed: What will you wear?
Overshare: I'll just go barefoot at my desk, and put your shoes on whenever I need to go somewhere. No one will notice.
Toolshed: Thanks!


At 7:58 AM, December 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you told me i would love it I am a shoe whore, or a true whore?

At 8:41 AM, December 13, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm just sad that the shoes had laces...I was hoping for something of the stiletto variety, preferable in red crocodile. Maybe for Christmas...nothing says holiday party like men in heels!

At 7:56 AM, December 14, 2005, Blogger timoni said...

I just find the randomness of it puzzling. I know that's the point, but still: really? She was just like, "Hey, wear my shoes all day, no problem, I don't need them!"?


At 9:53 AM, December 14, 2005, Blogger Anonymous Coworker said...

I wish I could make stuff like this up, quarto... but I just don't have the imagination. She really is this crazy!


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