Tuesday, January 10, 2006

CTF Drama

Anonymous: Hey, Overshare... did you decide to go to CTF's court appearance? What happened with all of that?
Overshare: Err....

I am confunded. Confused. Flabbergasted. Obviously something has happened... and I haven't heard about it. It must be huge.

Overshare: Well... you see... well... one second.

Overshare shuts the door. I start to rethink whether or not I really want to know what she's about to share. Too late now though.

Overshare: Well, he didn't beat a man into a coma after all.
Anonymous: So the charges were dropped?
Overshare: Not exactly.
Anonymous: So....
Overshare: Well, he didn't exactly tell me the truth.
Anonymous, pretending to be shocked: Really?
Overshare: No. He was actually charged with sexual abuse.
Anonymous: *chokes*
Overshare: Don't overreact... it's not that bad or anything. It's not his fault. I haven't told anyone because I don't want everyone to get upset with him.
Anonymous: What happened?
Overshare: Well, he was dating this girl who told him she was 18.

Oh dear.

Anonymous: Let me guess... she wasn't?
Overshare: No. And her parents found out and now they're pressing statutory rape charges against him.
Anonymous, who can't believe she actually knows someone who belongs on Jerry Springer: So she was under 15.
Overshare: No. She was 17.
Anonymous: No, she was under 15. Otherwise it wouldn't be statutory rape.
Overshare: What do you mean?
Anonymous: Well, in the state that CTF lives in the age of consent is 15. If she were older than that, her parents couldn't press charges.
Overshare: Oh. Well, she still lied about her age.
Anonymous: He's still 34, right?
Overshare: Yeah.
Anonymous: Did he forget his own age?
Overshare: What do you mean?
Anonymous: What was a 34 year old man doing sleeping with an 18 year old anyway?
Overshare: Well, he said he was 25.
Anonymous, sarcastically: Oh, well, then that's ok.


At 7:19 AM, January 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the hits just keep coming...oh man! Is she still with him? I love reading this blog...keep the stories coming!


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