Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Step One: Remove Clothes

Amazing Adventures of Overshare just had its one-year anniversary. And by "just", I mean the beginning of October. To celebrate, we donned large-rimmed rhinestone sunglasses, a Baby Bjorn and drank a beer before having sex on a first date with a felon. Nothing else seemed appropriate, really.

If you read back over the posts, you’ll notice that I sometimes talk about the various methods for oversharing that Overshare employs. There’s the Ambush: she sneaks into your office without warning and just BAM! unleashes something you didn’t need to know. There’s the Emotional Uncoil: she walks into your office, crying, forcing you to ask what is wrong. There’s the Leading Question: “How was your weekend?” There’s Excited Utterance: Jockitch! There are tons of other tactics.

But my all-time favorite?? Charades.

Oh yes, my friends. Nothing compares to those times that Overshare decides to embellish her stories with a little physical action. I had a very unfortunate run-in with Charades before, as you may recall.

Overshare: So I bought one of those Cardio Strip Tease Videos are as a joke.

Anonymous: Oh. My. God.
Overshare: Yeah, so we were just sitting around last night and decided to try it out.
Anonymous: Who is “we?”

At the time of this story, my writing of this blog had already begun… and this has had the unfortunate effect of causing me to actually want more detail, in order to write a better post… do you see how I sacrifice for you?

Overshare: Wyoming and I.
Anonymous: [Says a silent prayer of thanks that this story doesn’t include CTF.]
Overshare: And oh my God, are they tougher than they look! Strippers must be the most in-shape people ever!
Anonymous: [Makes non-committal noise.]
Overshare: Yeah, seriously. The moves were like… uhh. Uhhh. Uhhhhhhhhhh.

[Proceeds to demonstrate with inappropriate noises.]

She demonstrated folks. DEMONSTRATED stripper moves, in my office, in the middle of the workday. And we’re not talking shy little approximations of the moves, oh no. We’re talking full on grunting, twisting, thrusting, dare I even say undulating. Undulating. There, I said it. And oh, it's true.

Overshare: I really think it's going to give me an advantage during sex.


At 1:47 PM, November 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i guess some people need every advantage they can get..

At 6:17 AM, November 03, 2006, Blogger Marcia said...

a) congrats on the 1 year!

b) "advantage". It's bad when you're competing for favors through sexual moves. Does Overshave even know what feminism is?

At 6:20 AM, November 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do NOT want to know what "Step Two" is. If you have any compassion for us, please keep that to yourself.

At 1:24 AM, November 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

at least she kept her clothes on in your office, right??

(if should totally sue for sexual harrassment.)


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