Thursday, November 16, 2006

TSS Strikes Again!

You know, I’m just a girl, in the world… trying to just live her life, enjoy her work, and not deal with crazy people.

Why does this seem like a pipe dream?

Maybe because even if I didn’t have Overshare in my office telling me completely inappropriate, personal things (and that’s a BIG “if”) or Wyoming crawling into computer boxes, or Toolshed spamming me, I’d still have to deal with Tyrannical Sorority Sister.

One day, TSS sent out an all staff email. Now, as friends who have heard me fume about this before will tell you, I have a very specific and intense loathing of the All Staff Email. I find that there are very, very few things that in fact ALL STAFF need to have announced to them at the same time. Death. Bankruptcy. Christmas Party. Annual Meeting. I get that. But those All Staff Emails that are completely unnecessary, like “Hey everyone, even you folks in Denver, some idiot didn’t turn off his lights in the parking garage in Phoenix. Anyone know someone who drives a Black Honda Civic?” drive me around the bend. Take a moment and think about who really needs to see what you’re about to say and then send it to them, and only them. Capiche?

Rant Over.

So (and prepare yourselves to be shocked by this information,) TSS sent an All Staff Email requesting money.

This time the money was for Diabetes. Now, as I have not only family members but also close friends who suffer from this horrible disease (not to mention my beloved Elliot Yamin) I already donate to the American Diabetes Association. Part of me, when I saw her email explaining that she was joining her sorority in a Walk-A-Thon for ADA, I actually considered donating to the cause, because finally, she was asking for something that’s worth supporting.

But I forgot. Whether it was because my mind was trained at this point to conveniently “forget” all of the money requests that came my way from TSS or because I legitimately forgot, the world will never know. But apparently I was not the only person on staff to forget or “forget”, whichever the case may be, because a few weeks later (AFTER the actual walk-a-thon,) we received another All Staff Email.

And the contents were so truly horrifying, I have no option but to post it in its entirety here (emphasis is, indeed, hers):

“I know SOMEONE here wants to help me raise funds for the ADA! It's hard to believe that not one of my co-workers has given me a donation yet. It probably just slipped your minds, so I'm sending out one last reminder. I have until next Friday to turn in funds. Since Tuesday is payday that would be a good time to make a small donation. Please help by making out a check to the American Diabetes Association. Thank you in advance.”

Hot damn, is that not the worst thing you’ve ever seen? I don’t know what’s worse… the guilt trip, the not-even-trying-to-be-subtle reminder of our payday, the vaguely Mafia-esque “Thank you in advance”… it’s all just so creepy.

The best part of all? She didn’t EVEN WALK IN THE WALK-A-THON!! She was “sick” the actual day of the event (an excuse we’d heard many times before to explain several sudden absences at scheduled work events) and didn’t think it was in “her best interest” to participate.

Apparently, none of her coworkers thought it was in their best interest to give her money but that ain't stopping her from giving us all a very public shakedown.


At 6:14 AM, November 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't your office have some "offical policy" that some HR person or higher-up can invoke to put a stop to such outright wrongness? It seems to me that that line should only ever get crossed ONCE.

That was a truly remarkable email. Wow.

At 12:59 PM, November 17, 2006, Blogger Muffy said...

I am just stunned that anyone would think that it is okay to harrass their co-workers like that.


At 10:35 AM, November 20, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn. Maybe you should start a fund at work. Take donations for the development of muting devices for ass-munch co-workers. I'd put some money down on that.

Seriously, I'm starting to worry about the setting you-my dear friend-are working in. I seriously hope stupidity is not contagious.

At 9:03 AM, November 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so against the All Staff emails as well

At 12:37 PM, November 21, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is amazing is that almost every office worker can relate to these people! Great reading!


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