Thursday, February 23, 2006

Staff Meetings

In a staff meeting this week, we were discussing potential themes for a future formal event. We decided to center the event around a city/country... Ideas were thrown around, everyone talking at once....

Witty Comeback: A tropical country could be fun... and there are several caterers in the area specializing in tropical fuzion type of things...
Department Head: Or we've been looking to target [certain CEO of large foreign company] so maybe this would be a good way to get him interested.
Sub-Department Head: Well, we just recently did a party with that theme... our demographic may remember. How about a Scandinavian country? We haven't done something like that in quite a while...
Overshare: Ooo! Ooo! I know! I know!
Witty Comeback: Or maybe we could...
Overshare: I said I know!!
Witty Comeback, under her breath: Oh dear Lord.
Overshare, straight faced: The Nether Regions!

[Complete and Total Silence. From all 16 people in the room. There are just no words.]

Overshare, embarrassed now: Ha ha.... [voice trails off a bit as she realizes people don't think it's funny] get it? The Netherlands? Nether Regions?


Toolshed, very, very quietly: Ha ha. Nether Regions.



At 2:21 PM, February 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm speechless. She is just amazing.

At 8:56 AM, February 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It took me roughly thirty seconds to read (at a conversational rate of speed) the exchange that occurred up to the point where she blurted out "ooo, ooo, I know." I realize you've approximated some things, but seriously, it took her thirty seconds to come up with that gem? It's something that a fifth grader would come up with, only the fifth grader would have done so much more quickly.

I am still anxiously awaiting the location of Skank Bar.

At 9:08 AM, February 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

when toolshed thinks it was stupid, it was stupid

At 10:13 AM, February 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh good gracious.

At 1:37 PM, February 24, 2006, Blogger Anonymous Coworker said...

Morton-- Skank Bar is located at the corner of Low Self Esteem Avenue and No Common Sense Street. Look for the ass-faced bouncer.


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