Friday, March 10, 2006

Education vs. Common Sense

My last post caused a lot of talk about Overshare’s education, so I thought I’d try to give you a more accurate picture of her.

I’ve said before that she’s a well-educated woman. Her undergraduate degree is from a top-ten ranked college in New York State, according to US News. She then went south, where she received her Masters from a Top 50 school. (I will say that her grad school is known for their football team.) Unfortunately, the exact nature of her degree would give away too much information about the kind of organization/company/institute I work for.

She isn’t from a broken home. Her parents have been married for more than a quarter century and seem to be rather normal, well-adjusted people. They do have two wackadoodle daughters though. I remember the time that Overshare’s Sister called to ask Overshare why she hadn’t bought her a birthday present and told her that she now expected something quite expensive since she was late, and preferably the gift would come from Coach. I haven’t been in a shouting match like that with my sister since she was 14 and I was 10, and I think we were arguing over me using her makeup. The fact that the fight took place over the phone at her workplace… oh my damn, the drama.

I just wanted to point out that this is what makes Overshare particularly perplexing. She's not just your standard irritating coworker. Not only is she well educated, and from a somewhat normal family, she’s also extremely good at her job. And I mean extremely good. She brings a level of organization to her position that was very much needed and has made a difference for the better. Why that organization, rational thinking, and common sense has never made it into her personal life remains a mystery. It's like someone turns off the logic switch whenever she starts to talk about anything other than work.

I think this little interlude showcases the crazy the best:

Overshare, walking into my office: Oh man.
Anonymous: What now?
Overshare: Nothing big… it’s just been such a long time since I came to work drunk, that’s all.
Anonymous: You’re drunk?
Overshare: Just a little. I’ll be fine in about an hour. Usually I’m just hung-over when I come in after a night of drinking. Guess I went a little overboard at Skank Bar last night.
Anonymous: Guess so.

Also, I've updated the
Cast of Characters, if you ever want to refer back to keep people straight. I'll continue to update it as I add new characters. And if you ever feel like emailing me a question or comment, you can reach me at That's it for now! The stories will return in the beginning of next week.


At 1:04 PM, March 10, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for clarifying! Excellent at her job?--who would have guessed. Though better for you that she be an idiot in her personal life, and good at her work...


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