Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Eventually, the roommate situation got to be too much for Overshare, what with them complaining that CTF was over too much, and CTF hitting on the ugly one and all. So she decided to move out.

There was a scary month or two where she was actually considering moving in with CTF, including a horrific two-week period where she was visiting several potential apartments with him. All of us at the office tried to convince her that this was the Bad Idea to End All Bad Ideas, but shockingly enough, she didn’t listen to us. There’s nothing like moving in with your wannabe-Michael-Jackson felon ex-boyfriend to create an awkward situation, but whatever.

Thankfully, a better circumstance arose and the CTF/Overshare apartment never happened. But it does mean that a new character needs to be introduced into the saga.

I am pleased to introduce Overshare’s new roommate, Wyoming.

Wyoming, as you might have guessed, is from Wyoming. She’ll tell you. Over and over again. Her home state makes it into virtually every conversation she has.

Anyway, not only is Wyoming Overshare’s new roommate, oh no. That wouldn’t be blog-worthy. No, Wyoming is also a new coworker of mine. She and Overshare went to the same graduate school together, so when an opening came up in a different department in our company, she sent it on to Wyoming and encouraged her to apply.

The hiring process alone was a thing to behold—Overshare badgered our HR department every single day about whether or not they were going to hire her. A friend of ours is the person who was in charge of interviewing for the position and happens to sit very close to me. Every day, Overshare would stop by and ask how everything was going, despite being told repeatedly by HR and said friend that what she was doing bordered on the illegal. (Like she cared.) I ended up having many conversations with said friend, who almost lamented that Wyoming appeared to be the best fit for the job simply because he wasn’t sure how the Overshare factor was going to affect the workplace. But eventually, Wyoming was hired, and it turns out that she’s very good in the position.

But she’s weird.

Make that Weird, with a capital W.

For example:

A few weeks after she was hired and settled into her new job, Wyoming received a new computer. Her office is directly off of our reception area, so while IT was installing the new computer, there were some large boxes in the reception area that had once held the new monitor and CPU, etc. As all of us who have ever had computers replaced at work know, you’re basically useless while this process happens. Normal people stand around, chitchat with the IT guy (if he’s not too socially challenged), go to the bathroom, hang out with a friend, go to lunch, something. But, like I said, Wyoming is Weird.

So how does Wyoming handle the down time?

She climbs in one of the computer boxes, of course.

You read that right. Wyoming, a fully-grown mid-twenties woman in business casual, climbs into the discarded computer box and shuts the lid in order to wait out the computer change-over.

Not only that, but she calls out to the office to come and look.

Wyoming, voice muffled by box: Hey, hey! Receptionist! Go get Overshare!!
Receptionist: Why?
Wyoming: Isn’t it obvious?
Receptionist: Not really, no.
Wyoming: Cause I’m a girl in a box! A girl! In a box!
Receptionist: Ooooookkaaaaayyy…

(calls Overshare to come to the front)

Overshare: Hey, Receptionist. What’s up?
Wyoming, gleefully: Overshare! I’m a girl in a box!

Like I said, she’s Weird, that Wyoming-In-A-Box.



At 9:25 AM, March 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just when you thought it could not get worse, Wyoming shows up. Climbing into a box sounds like something you would do after you've been moving and you can't take it anymore so you drink one too many beers, not something to do at the office. And once, my sister and I drove through Wyoming and we decided it would be a good place to dump a body.

At 12:35 PM, March 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe Overshare has a graduate degree.

At 10:31 AM, March 09, 2006, Blogger SassyWonk said...

You. Are. Kidding! She has a graudate degree?! Also, climbing into a BOX? WTF?!


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