Monday, April 24, 2006

Sibling Rivalry

Overshare: How was your weekend?

I'd just like to point out to everyone, in case you haven't noticed, that Overshare is very rarely actually interested in how my weekend went. Asking about my weekend is only her way of getting me to ask about her weekend. And if I ask, she can't very well refuse to tell me, can she? Tricky, very tricky. I don't want to know these things. I'm perfectly content with never knowing any details of her weekend adventures (though this blog would be rather boring indeed) but office environments being what they are these conversations are unavoidable.

Anonymous: Fine. You?
Overshare: CTF and I went to the beach.
Anonymous: Fascinating.
Overshare: Well, you see, my sister and her husband wanted me to come up to the beach house while they were there, to spend some time with them.
Anonymous: That's nice.
Overshare: They asked me not to bring CTF.
Anonymous: So why did you?
Overshare: Because! Like I really want to feel like the third wheel to my sister. She'd just lord it over me that she was having sex that weekend and I wasn't. She'd be really loud at night, just to rub it in.

Maybe this is just me, and maybe my siblings are all a bunch of prudes, but I can safely say that I've only had one or two conversations about sex with my siblings and even then it was in very nebulous terms. They are almost all married, and I have no need, whatsoever, to know any details of their sex life. Call me crazy.

Anonymous: Hmm.
Overshare: No way in hell I'm letting that happen, right? [chuckles]
Anonymous: [smiles wanly, starts to type up a fake email in order to look busy]
Overshare, sitting down: So I mentioned to CTF that that is what she would do, so he said as a joke, "Well, you should take me anyway and we can just make sure we're louder than them all weekend."
Anonymous: [silent, praying this will be over soon]
Overshare: So that's what we did. Every time we heard her and her husband starting up, we'd go at it. Yelling, screaming, anything we could think of.
Anonymous: Er...
Overshare: It actually turned out to be a great way to spice up our sex life! I highly recommend it.
Anonymous: Er...
Overshare: My sister actually said to me before we drove away that I should never let a man who makes me scream like that go. I'm so glad she approves! Maybe she could convince my mom...


At 12:54 PM, April 24, 2006, Blogger Muffy said...

She just screams trashy, doesn't she?


At 2:00 PM, April 24, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are no words to express how sorry I am that she is your co-worker.....

At 4:33 PM, April 24, 2006, Blogger Diedre said...

This is some funny shit!

At 7:44 AM, April 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh goodness. I can't stand it. That is worse than my co-worker coming and telling me about her diarrhea. I don't enjoy conversations with co-workers that include the phrase "sitting on the pot."

At 11:31 AM, April 25, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unless you're hiding something....nevermind.

The super flow with more jokes than Bazooka Joe
A mix between Superfly Snuka and a superhoe
Chew a MC like El Chupa Nibre
Digest a group and sell the poop on eBay
Danger with the vest screamin "Shoot the DJ!"
Doom clickin over two chickens, three-way

At 6:59 AM, April 26, 2006, Blogger timoni said...

Oh. My. Gosh.

The idea of anybody having sex (but me) already creeps me out, but MY SISTER? I think I would die.

I would at least lose my libido.

At 9:23 PM, February 23, 2007, Blogger Syl said...

Yes, I'm sure that anecdote will help convince her mom of CTF's worthiness...


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