Thursday, January 04, 2007

I'll Show You Inappropriate. Ok, not really.

To The “Reader” Who Flagged My Blog As “Inappropriate Content” While I Was Away on Vacation:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

May you never be subjected to a horrible coworker whose stories force you to document them on a blog, where you are at the mercy of the Blogspot Gods who will decide whether or not to revoke your one source of comfort in the Oversharing that is your life because ONE reader simply doesn't "get it".

Much love and affection,
Anonymous Coworker

P.S. If you found the content so objectionable, may I ask why you spent three hours reading the entire thing?

Now that that's off my chest, onto the Overshare:

After the Flask Incident, a few weeks went by and I didn’t hear anything more on the subject. I decided to ask. Because, hell. At least this story is actually entertaining.

Anonymous: So, Overshare… what’s happening with that whole CTF/Flask/Court thing?
Overshare: Well, I’m taking the day off tomorrow to drive him down to the courthouse.
Anonymous: You’re taking a day off to take him to his trial?
Overshare: Well, the whole thing was kind of my fault, so I owe him at least that much.
Anonymous: How was the whole thing your fault?
Overshare: Well, you know, it was my idea to go out of town in the first place.

Oh. My. Damn. This had all the signs of CTF turning the whole thing around into being Overshare’s fault. Never mind that HE chose to wear the freaking belt buckle flask in the first place (which, I'd like to point out again, is probably the tackiest thing known to man.) Or that HE chose to pull an attitude with a cop. No, no. Clearly this is all Overshare’s fault because she…gasp!… offered to provide him with a free place to stay for a weekend in a different city! How dare she!

Anonymous: Your fault?
Overshare: Yes. So I’m driving him to his trial. His lawyer says the court in this town is a joke. He’ll just get a small fine, we’ll pay it, we’ll leave. CTF’s already talking about where he wants to have lunch afterwards.
Anonymous: Well, I hope it goes well.
Overshare: Oh, don't worry. How could it not?


At 8:32 AM, January 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sense a hilarious follow up to this -- how could it not go wrong!

At 8:43 AM, January 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Inappropriate" for what exactly? The internet?

Seriously, I'd like to invite the person who flagged this blog to post your comments openly, so that the merits of your views could be aired and discussed, and so that the rest of us could share in the fun of mocking you.

At 9:53 AM, January 04, 2007, Blogger Marcia said...

I wish I could be in that courtroom... I'm sure he's going to say something insane, get his butt thrown in jail (again), and Overshare will say that the judge is "unreasonable" and "on a mission."

PS? Isn't he still on probation?

At 9:59 AM, January 04, 2007, Blogger Diedre said...

and when she states "we" she's really meaning she right? She will pay the fine, she will pay for lunch. and on and on.

At 10:43 AM, January 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoever said it was inappropriate probably IS the co worker others talk about!!

Keep doing what you do Anonymous!

At 1:40 PM, January 04, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh I cannot wait to hear about this one.

At 1:27 PM, January 09, 2007, Blogger Diedre said...

Come on, how does it turn out? I'm hanging here.

At 3:10 PM, January 11, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I might be sending this twice, since blogger just went screwy, but I wanted to ditto fat freddy and tell ya that you have to post what happened!


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