Tuesday, January 16, 2007

The Hearing

I have to admit, there are times when I get caught up in the Overshare Drama, and this whole Flask Incident was one of those times… I came into work the day after Overshare took her day off to take CTF to court with a sense of expectancy. What had happened? Would this have snowballed into even more drama, or would it be one of those things that just faded into the background after the initial groundswell?

My questions were met with mystery. There was a cryptic email in my inbox stating to our whole department that Overshare would be coming into the office “when/if she could.”

Drama, it is.

And drama it was, about four hours later when Overshare finally showed up. She walked in the office, straight to my office, closed the door and dropped down into a chair with a huge melodramatic groan.

Overshare: Oh my GAWD, Anonymous!! I don’t know what to do!!!

Am I completely horrible for feeling something very closely related to glee at the idea that this was most definitely Drama with a capital D?

Anonymous: What happened?
Overshare: The attorney said it was going to be easy! A piece of cake, he said!
Anonymous: Well, these things seldom are.
Anonymous: Hmm.
Overshare: ARRRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!
Anonymous: What happened?
Overshare: I don’t even know where to begin.
Anonymous: Well, how about—
Overshare: First of all, his lawyer didn’t show up.
Anonymous: Oh.
Overshare: Yeah. His lawyer didn’t show up!! How could he do that?
Anonymous: Hmm.
Overshare: So, basically, we’re stuck waiting all day in this little tiny room, waiting for him to be called before the judge. We spent all day on the phone, trying to get in touch with his lawyer, but he must have been in a meeting or something, because he wouldn’t pick up his phone.
Anonymous: Hmm.
Overshare: He finally got called at the very, very end of the day! Can you believe they made us wait like that? Who do they think they are?

The more appropriate question here, I think, is who do Overshare and CTF think they are? Because seriously, I doubt that any judge, anywhere, is going to say, “Oh my God, it’s Overshare and Chris the Felon! Let’s make sure they’re not inconvenienced in any way! Move all my cases back!”

Anonymous: But once you finally got in front of the judge—
Overshare: It was even worse!
Anonymous: What happened?
Overshare: Well, the judge asked what happened, the cop explained, then CTF explained… and p.s., the cop totally lied…
Anonymous: Sure.
Overshare: Anyway, after CTF was done explaining how the flask was empty and the cop was just a rogue cop who was jealous that CTF was having fun with a beautiful woman [Overshare flips hair over her shoulder] the judge just said “Hmmm.” How juvenile is that?

Personally, I’m amazed that the judge, the cop, the court stenographer, the prosecuting attorney, and anyone else in the room didn’t burst into laughter. But hey, maybe that’s just me.

Anonymous: Hmmm.
Overshare: Yeah, so then the judge starts flipping through this file folder on his desk, for like, a loooonnngg time. And then he looks up and asks CTF, “Have you been in any other trouble recently, son?”
Anonymous: Uhoh.
Overshare: What do you mean, uhoh? What is that supposed to mean?
Anonymous, completely taken aback: What? I mean, I just, well…

Clearly, I meant that CTF had most definitely been in trouble recently. Just as clearly, Overshare was in no mood to hear such things.

Overshare: Whatever. So CTF said, “No, I haven’t.”
Anonymous: You don’t think the judge was referring to
Overshare, irrationally: Well, it’s none of the judge’s business, is it? It’s not his jurisdiction!!
Anonymous: Ok.
Overshare: So then the judge, this crazy-ass judge, leans over and says, “Well, well, well… looks like we’ve got a case of amnesia.”

It is at this moment that I wish I had taken the day off to attend the hearing too, because hot damn, this judge may be my new Favorite Person on Planet Earth.

Overshare: He’s crazy! A crazy judge! How do they let crazy people become judges??
Anonymous, trying not to giggle like a crazy person: I do not know.
Overshare: ARRGGHH! So then, he starts to read off all of these offenses that CTF supposedly committed, and I swear, Anonymous, he made half of them up.

Yeah. I’m sure he did. Like there wasn’t enough there to work with already.

Overshare: So then, he leans back into his chair, all superior like and puts his hands together. Then he looks over to the prosecutor and asks, “What’s the max here?” Can you believe that?? The maximum!! And I totally start to freak out, crying. I’m sobbing hysterically, and the judge doesn’t even care! Doesn’t even acknowledge my existence!
Anonymous: Well, he was probably trying to—
Overshare: No! Don’t you dare! Don’t you dare defend him!
Anonymous: Okaaay.
Overshare: So then he sentenced CTF to a $1,000 fine and 30 days in jail! That he wanted him to start serving immediately!
Anonymous: Oh.
Overshare, crying now: So they lead CTF away in handcuffs… and I had to reach into his pocket to get his wallet out to pay the fine and everything.
Anonymous: CTF had $1,000 in his wallet?
Overshare: No. $80.
Anonymous: What did you do?
Overshare: Well, I cried for like, ever. And then this cop came over to console me. He was really cute too.
Anonymous: The same cop?
Overshare: Never!
Anonymous: Sorry. Of course not.
Overshare: So I finally got myself together—called his lawyer to tell him, but had to leave a message. Anyway, by the time we got everything settled, it was too late to get him out, so he had to spend the night in jail! I slept in the car outside so I could get him out first thing in the morning, and so that's why I'm late. His parents wired the bail bondsman $100 so CTF could get out of jail while we protest, or whatever that term is—
Anonymous: Appeal?
Overshare: No, I don’t think that’s it. Whatever. And then I called my parents and they wired me the money for all the court fees, attorney fees, etc. It was like $600!
Anonymous: Why didn’t CTF’s parents pay for that?
Overshare: Oh, CTF asked me not to ask them. He was too embarrassed about it.
Anonymous: But how is that fair—
Overshare: That’s not what’s important right now! Can't you see the bigger picture??! CTF's going to JAIL!


At 7:02 AM, January 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, its about time.

At 7:37 AM, January 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(1) How is it that Overshare and CTF are the only sane people in the world? They make you get a license to drive, but any knucklehead can become a judge.

(2) Perhaps you could get TSS to take up (or extort) a collection so that CTF could hire someone to represent him in his "protest."

(3) Can you ask her what court this was in? I may just have to order a copy of the transcript for my own amusement.

At 8:40 AM, January 16, 2007, Blogger Diedre said...

It's a shame the max is only 30 days.

At 8:41 AM, January 16, 2007, Blogger Diedre said...

yeah and the Judge just makes up offenses for the hell of it.

At 8:48 AM, January 16, 2007, Blogger Marcia said...

Seriously. I emailed this one to my appellate court attorney husband and he thought it was hysterical.

But seriously. Overshare is so right. Judges ALWAYS lie about the plaintiff's previous record.

At 11:13 AM, January 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh the injustice! How can the world be so cruel?


At 11:43 AM, January 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh, he most ceratinly is!

At 2:58 PM, January 16, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO! This post was worth the wait! I've been waiting to see what happened with court! You need to post more often. Ignore your work, your social life, everything to keep your internet audience entertained! ;-)

At 11:04 PM, January 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hope the next installment of this story involves some sort of escape attempt.

At 10:01 AM, January 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG, was that worth the wait!


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